Light Duty Cleaning
We understand the importance of a clean and comfortable living environment. That’s why we offer professional light duty cleaning services to make your life easier and your home spotless.
With Mr. and Ms. Green Thumb, we recognize that a clean and comfortable living environment is crucial for your well-being and overall quality of life. We understand that maintaining a spotless home can be a time-consuming and challenging task, especially with busy schedules and other commitments.
What is Light Duty Cleaning?
Light duty cleaning involves tasks that maintain the cleanliness and order of your home without requiring deep cleaning or specialized equipment. Our light duty cleaning services include:
Dusting surfaces and furniture
Vacuuming carpets and floors
Mopping hard floors
Cleaning countertops and appliances
Tidying up and organizing rooms
Taking out the trash and recycling
We offer professional light-duty cleaning services designed to make your life easier and your home sparkling clean.
Need Light Duty Cleaning?
Mr. and Ms. Green Thumb are here for you!
Get In Touch
+1 604.512.8598
PO Box 42106 Champlain Mall, Vancouver, BC., V5S 4R5
Let’s Make Your Life Greener
Mr. and Ms. Green Thumb are here for you.